60 Seconds with Denise Dorking | #TeamBartsHealth blogs

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60 Seconds with Denise Dorking

Recently, Denise Dorking starred in our patient experience film, which is shown in staff inductions and shows our staff how our patient experience strategy has our WeCare values at the heart of everything we do. Our values are all about putting the patient first and any team member in any role can take it upon themselves to improve patient engagement and experience in your hospital.

What is your role, what does it involve and how long have you been in it?

I am a customer service manager. I have been in post for 10 years and with Whipps Cross Hospital for 29 years.  I run training sessions for staff on attitude, communication and customer service.  I speak to patients and relatives working with staff to resolve any concerns or issues they may have.  I organise bingo sessions, tea parties, activity sessions and musicians.  When we have a complaint, I facilitate reflective sessions with the staff so we can learn how we could have perhaps done things differently to give patients and their families a better experience.

What is the most challenging aspect of your role?

Not being able to change some situations for our patients and their families, and never enough time to get around to all the areas I am responsible for!

When it comes to patient experience how do you and your team ensure the patient has a positive experience?

By reacting to concerns that are raised and even if we cannot change them making sure we go back when we say we will, and building up a trusting relationship with the patients and families. When people leave their loved ones in our care they need to know they have been listened to and feel confident that we will do our best.  Some patients always call me as soon as they are back in with us, as if they are frequent flyers who are relieved to see a familiar face who knows them.  One of my patients calls me MAD – which she tells me is a person who ‘makes a difference’. I would like to think that we always do and in a good way.

Has there been a situation that has really ‘stuck with you’ in your role, that you would like to share?

I had a patient who was with us and his wife was brought in at the same time, they missed each other terribly.  I used to take him every afternoon to see his wife and they would have tea together. However, she sadly died and they had no family other than brothers and sisters.  So I helped arrange the funeral and took him on the day.  I am so thankful for the flexibility of my role to allow me to do things like that. They had been married for 72 years and it meant so much to him to be able to attend her funeral. I felt privileged to be a part of it and he still sends me a Christmas Card every year.

What do you love about the role?

Everything – making a difference ( I hope !!) talking to patients, their families and supporting staff.  I enjoy the different aspects of my job, I never get bored.

What does patient experience mean to you?

Making the patients and families/carers experience here in the hospital as good as it possibly can be.  Should they ever need our help again in the future to come in knowing we care.

Patient Engagement and Experience Contacts

Patient Engagement and Experience committees meet across the Trust every 1-2 months. Get in touch below to get involved:
Royal London and Mile End: Michael Moeller
St Barts: Darren Barns
Newham: Sherry Manning
Whipps Cross: Marie Clough
CSS: Emma Read


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