Join us for Holy Week | Our news

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Join us for Holy Week

Graphic with Mountains and Cross to represent Holy Week

Holy week is the final week of Lent, a time of reflection leading up to Easter when Christians prepare to celebrate Jesus's resurrection.

Beginning with Palm Sunday, it recalls Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Maundy Thursday emphasizes the Last Supper and the Great Commandment or Mandate to love one another. Good Friday is a solemn remembrance of Jesus’ death on the cross. Easter Sunday is the joyful celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Easter is the most significant Christian celebration and marks the fulfilment of God’s love through Jesus Christ. 

To celebrate Holy Week, we welcome all patients, colleagues and visitors to join our many church services in and around each of our hospitals as seen below.

St Bartholomew’s Hospital , located in Barts the Less chapel near the courtyard

Roman Catholic services:

·       Holy Mass - Tuesday 26 March at 12:30pm

·       Maundy Thursday Holy Mass - 28 March at 12:30pm

Church of England/ Free Church services :

·       Anglican Eucharist - Tuesday 26 March at 12:30pm 

·       Good Friday service 29 March at 10am

Newham Hospital, located in the prayer room on zone 12 of the hospital’s first floor:

Christian s ervice : 

·       Tuesday 26 March at 12:15pm

Roman Catholic service:

·       Holy Mass - Wednesday 27 March at 12:30pm 

Royal London Hospital , located in the Sanctuary on the second floor, near lift 5:

Roman Catholic services:

·       Holy Mass with Palms – Saturday 23 March at 5pm

·       Holy Mass – Wednesday 27 March at 12:30pm

·       Good Friday Stations of the Cross – Friday 29 March at 2pm

·       Good Friday Liturgy – Friday 29 March at 3pm

·       Easter Sunday Holy Mass – Sunday 31 March at 9am

·       Easter Monday Holy Mass – Monday 1 April at 10am

Church of England / Free Church services:

·       Service of Holy Communion – Tuesday 26 March a5 12:30pm

·       Maundy Thursday Holy Communion Prayer and Song – Thursday 28 March at 8:30am

·       Good Friday Prayer and Song – Friday 29 March at 8:30am

Whipps Cross Hospital , located on the first floor at Junction five:

·       Anglican Eucharist – Wednesday 27 March at 1pm

·       Christian Fellowship Group – Thursday 28 March at 1pm


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  1. Sheila Saunders Saturday, 23 March 2024 at 03:30 PM

    I would love to attend the Royal London Hospital Good Friday services at 2pm and also 3pm please. I am a volunteer at Royal London Hospital and should be working there again in July.
    I have nothing but praise and admiration for the Hospital.
    Kindest wishes,

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